University of Idaho - I Banner


Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor


875周界博士ive MS 2534
莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & Spring Semester Hours:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & Spring Semester Drop-in Hours:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time – we encourage appointments

学生/毕业生: to schedule an appointment please 握手时间表.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 the office to schedule an appointment.




认识团队 Map

Internship Guide

实习 are beneficial to both employers and students. 它们为雇主提供了接触到积极性很高的学生的机会,并为雇主提供了建立人才管道的机会. 实习生可以让员工腾出时间做其他项目,也可以缓解繁忙时期的工作量. 学生可以从实习中获得实践经验,并有机会探索职业选择.

According to the National Association of Colleges & 雇主(NACE), 实习是一种体验式学习的形式,它将课堂上学到的知识和理论与专业环境中的实际应用和技能发展相结合. 实习让学生有机会获得宝贵的应用经验,并在他们考虑的职业道路上建立专业领域的联系. They give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent.

实习 meet the following criteria:

  • 它必须是课堂的延伸,并提供应用课堂知识的方法, 这不仅仅是促进雇主运作的一种手段,也不仅仅是普通员工的例行工作.
  • 获得的技能或知识必须可转移到其他就业环境.
  • 有明确的开始和结束,加上职位描述和所需的资格.
  • 学习目的/目标定义明确,并与学生学术课程的专业目标相关.
  • 监督由专业人士提供,在经验领域具有专业知识和教育和/或专业背景.
  • Feedback by the experienced supervisor is routinely given.
  • 资源, 设备和设施由主办单位提供,以支持学习目标/目标.

制定一个成功的实习项目需要计划和组织, 因此,无论是公司还是实习生都不会对这次经历感到失望. The clearer you are about goals and how those goals are achieved, the easier it is to implement the program. Internship development should answer these questions:

  • Why do you want an internship program? What do you hope to gain from it? How will you achieve your goals?
  • 你的实习生会做什么? 学习 and gain from the experience? What tasks/responsibilities do you want your intern to perform? Who will train and supervise your intern?
  • What resources will be needed? Will you pay your intern? 有多少?

还记得, 实习是互惠互利的——实习生应该从实习中获益,就像你的公司从雇佣个人中获益一样. A good program provides opportunities for a student to 学习 about the employer's work environment and industry.

  • Provides a full and realistic view of workplace culture and expectations
  • Integrates academic preparation with professional challenges
  • Builds confidence and success through internship experience
  • 鼓励伊利诺伊大学学生与他们感兴趣领域的专业人士进行交流
  • Helps students build professional networks

  • Enhances an organization’s image and recruitment activities.
  • 让公司有机会评估和“试用”实习生,以备未来的工作空缺,而无需承诺雇佣.
  • Allows staff to focus on higher priority projects. 实习生可以在项目上为员工提供支持,并避免将其他员工从专业领域转移出去.
  • Strengthens affirmative action program. By offering internships to minorities, women and the physically disabled, 实习项目可以作为积极的平等就业机会项目的基础,并有助于实现你的平权行动目标.
  • Addresses turnover problems. Interns are mature and career-oriented. 尽早为他们提供在组织中茁壮成长的技能,可以创建一个强大的人才库, 对公司有一定了解的可靠候选人.
  • Provides a cost-effective recruiting tool. 就业服务可以帮助雇主与积极进取、高素质的学生建立联系, making the search for quality candidates more effective.
  • Establishes strong university and community relations. 实习是在大学和行业之间建立稳固关系的第一步. These bonds can pave the way for future joint projects of mutual interest.
  • Provides a good investment. U of I interns are creative and highly motivated individuals. Through mutual commitment 并加入t achievement, 雇主得到的回报是平衡的员工队伍和对未来的积极投资.

雇主可以通过很多方式招募学生并促进校园参观, job openings and internships.

  • Job and Internship Listings — Post open positions on 握手, U of I's free online job and internship management system.
  • 招聘会 ——参加 人才招聘会往往会参与,参与 on-campus interviewing 并加入 网络事件.
  • 会话信息 -信息发布会允许雇主深入讨论他们的组织和工作/实习机会. 就业服务中心可以通过网络和电子邮件协助学生的安排和推广. Learn more about how to 主持信息会话.
  • Class/Student Group Presentations — 访问 the U of I campus, 在课堂或学生小组会议上介绍一下你的公司. 就业服务可以通过促进雇主和教师或学生团体领袖之间的联系来提供帮助.
  • Place an Ad on Flat Screen Announcement Boards — This is an option in our premium services. 有关此服务的更多信息,请访问合作伙伴和高级服务页面.
  • Advertise in the Student 新闻paper ——阿尔戈诺夫人, the U of I student newspaper, has a weekly print circulation of 4,校内和校外都有500人. 该报在网上也有很强的影响力,平均每周浏览量为1.2万 plus over 5,500 followers on 脸谱网. For advertising information, call 208-885-7825 or 电子邮件
  • 海报和传单 -有限数量的专业海报或传单可以悬挂在I大学校园内,并发送给学术部门 免费. 邮寄资料至:

University of Idaho 职业服务
875周界博士. MS 2534
莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

  • Meet faculty/staff in academic departments – 学生 often seek internship information from academic advisors. 通过与学术部门的教师和顾问建立关系, employers may get more exposure.
  • Enhanced branding and year-round exposure — 如果你正在寻找下一个层次的品牌和职业服务的支持,以帮助你的公司在I大学的学生心目中保持领先地位, please check out our Distinguished Employer Partnership.

伊利诺伊大学遵守校园内关于张贴、广告和营销的政策. There are limits to sidewalk chalk advertising, 学校街道和停车场也不允许贴纸车辆. 查看完整策略.

U of I students are looking for internships year-round. 雇主可以在一年中的任何时候发布实习广告,但请记住以下日期:

For Summer 实习
竞争激烈的暑期实习或需要背景调查的工作, begin advertising in September with November/December closing deadlines. 竞争不那么激烈的实习可以在1月中旬发布广告,截止日期为3月或4月.

For a September start date, 最好在4月之前发布公告,并在8月下旬开课前继续做广告.

For a January start date, 最好在10月份发布公告,并在1月中旬之前继续做广告.


Partner with 职业服务 to establish and promote your internship.



Idaho Student Union Building, Vandal Success Center, 3rd Floor


875周界博士ive MS 2534
莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & Spring Semester Hours:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & Spring Semester Drop-in Hours:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)
No drop-in hours are offered at this time – we encourage appointments

学生/毕业生: to schedule an appointment please 握手时间表.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 the office to schedule an appointment.




认识团队 Map